Jason say THANK YOU !

Its always nice to get a helping hand with your work.
On this page you find some of the things that made
or things that make life worth living......

The best drink Have A Coke and a smile :)

My hometownSolstanKarlstad
The music Poppa på

For getting rid of the SPAM


Tons of nice icons Iconbazaar
Move the strip Move IT!

Garfield is called
- like me - in Sweden
Best Cat!

Internet Link Exchange
(Grapic design by Beeker)
Im a Member of The Internet Link Exchange

The Best Radio RIX FM 104.4
Karlstads Puls 104.4

For getting my hair wet Buddy Divers Dyksällskap

Scouts do it in the bush
My friends on the net

The Man who invented Laserdisc
Janne for showing me

Made Me Laugh

and then some ...

Translations to French France Connexion by Jacques Vigouroux

J@son Will Return

Ive had visitors at this page

Feel free to E-MAIL ME ! ->
or send SMS, to me)

Garfield Rules !